Future is brighter when you’re more prepared

A recognizable and loved brand is one of the most valuable assets a company owns. In fact, 59% of customers prefer to buy products from brands they know. How do you become a sought-after brand with endless sales and raving fans? By identifying your promise to a customer or client. The challenge is communicating a clear and cohesive message.

Finanix team is a diverse network of consultants and industry professionals with a global mindset and a collaborative culture. We work to understand your issues and are driven to ask better questions in the pursuit.



Discuss Project

We create room for discussion on any beneficial project



Customer Care

We treat all customers equally with respect and love to ensure fare treat to all customers



Financial Advice

Our responsibilities include assisting customers to open or manage their bank accounts, reviewing financial products.

Supports a range of initiatives providing loan finance to individuals, community businesses, social enterprises and other not-for-profit organizations.• Broad Wealth group is the lead relationship financial assistance to both the education and charity sectors, assisting more than 1 in 3 charities and higher educational establishments in this market.

Although banks do many things, their primary role is to take in funds—called deposits—from those with money, pool them, and lend them to those who need funds. Banks are intermediaries between depositors (who lend money to the bank) and borrowers (to whom the bank lends money).
Kay H. Halim
Head Of Idea

Providing financial products or services to a customer for a fee or commission. National banks and federal savings associations (banks) that engage in asset management activities are exposed to many risk factors and must effectively identify, measure, control, and monitor risks.

Three of the main types of asset classes are equities, fixed income, and cash and equivalents. For individual investors, these are more commonly referred to as stocks, bonds and cash


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